Welcome to Mindfulness for Teenagers and Teen Anxiety
Meet Leona

Leona is an Irish based IMMA Accredited Creative Mindfulness Kids Practitioner and Mindset Life Coach. She lives in Co Meath with her 3 children and her husband.
She is a regular Mindfulness and Wellness writer for the Celtic Media Group. She is also a debut children’s author with the first book in her new ‘Lucy’s Mindful Life’ book series for children being published in Spring 2022!
Having suffered with anxiety, fear, worry and panic as a young child, into her teenage years and early adulthood, Leona is delighted to share with you the tools and techniques that she uses daily to live alongside her own anxieties. Her personal experience and teachings empower children, teenagers and adults ‘from the inside out’.
Leona is delighted to bring to you her creative and empowering Mindfulness for Teenagers and Teen Anxiety live virtual classes!
The aim of Leona’s classes and teachings are to bring Mindfulness, Meditation, Wellness and Emotional Resilience to teenagers and to enhance their daily lives with ‘forever’ coping tools and techniques to use during the daily demands and struggles of life that they face.
Leona empowers those she works with and instills the knowledge that ‘Everything we NEED is already WITHIN us’, we just need to learn how to use these internal, built in tools! Leona helps teenagers to realise, learn and use their internal strength and internal resources to build their confidence, mental, emotional and physical resilience and self belief.
Leona teaches teenagers using the Mindfulness, Kindness, Compassion, Self-Compassion and Resilience practices she uses daily in her own life to help her to live a calm, happy, peaceful and confident life. Leona’s teachings contain adapted methods from the works of Louise Shanagher and Dr Christopher Willard.
What will this 6 week Mindfulness programme cover?
Leona has designed and will deliver her teachings in the following format:
- Week 1: The Mind Storm
- Week 2: The Busy Monkey Mind
- Week 3: Mindfulness and the Brain
- Week 4: Ruminating Thoughts and Thoughts like Clouds
- Week 5: Compassion and Self-Compassion
- Week 6: Building Resilience and Building on your Strengths
Each weekly class includes the following elements:
- Lesson introduction and explanation from Leona
- A breathing exercise
- A talk on the lesson theme
- A guided meditation practice
- Reflective Questions / Journaling Exercise
What will Teenagers learn from Leona's weekly teachings?
Leona’s teachings help teenagers to learn and understand that they don’t have to be afraid of their thoughts and emotions, that they don’t have to believe what their thoughts tell them, that they are not their thoughts, that they are so much bigger than their thoughts.
Each weekly teaching will help teenagers to realise that it is ok to experience different thoughts, emotions, feelings and the physical sensations that these can create in their body.
Teenagers will feel empowered that they now have mindful tools in their ‘Mindful Tool Box’ to help them to self-regulate their breathing, their thoughts and their emotions.
Teenagers will learn the importance of accepting each emotion as they experience it, learn to be-friend themselves and these emotions and cultivate a knowing that all emotions and feelings are ok and that they all belong in our body and heart, they are a part of us too.
Teenagers will be equipped with a set of ‘forever’ coping tools and techniques to use in their daily lives, which will enable them to live comfortably alongside their anxieties, fears and stressors.
When and where is this 6 week Mindfulness programme taking place?
These live Mindfulness classes will run on the following dates and times via Zoom:
- Thursday 27th January 2022
- Thursday 3rd February 2022
- Thursday 10th February 2022
- Thursday 17th February 2022
- Thursday 24th February 2022
- Thursday 3rd March 2022
Class Times:
5.30pm – 6.30pm for ages 13-15yrs
7.00pm – 8.00pm for ages 16-17yrs
The Zoom link to the 6 week Mindfulness programme will be emailed to you in advance of the programme start date

© Leona McDonnell Mindfulness and Wellness 2022
Image by Deirdre Rusk Photography @