Are you and your partner struggling to CONCEIVE a child? Are you experiencing explained or unexplained FERTILITY CHALLENGES? Are you feeling consumed by the trauma of not being able to progress in your lives? Are you and/or your partner experiencing … Continue reading Mindfulness and Self Compassion for Fertility Challenges
Being told at the age of 25 that I would never be able to conceive a child naturally, I have personal and first hand experience over 13 years of living with fertility challenges. My personal journey has consisted of hormonal imbalances, PCOS, ovarian cysts and ruptured cysts, endometriosis, tubal damage, conception issues, miscarriages, successful and unsuccessful IVF treatments, stress, anxiety and trauma due to fertility challenges and the associated pressures on relationships. One of the BIGGEST factors I experienced was becoming completely disconnected, lost and displaced in my relationship with myself, my mind and body.
I would love to share with you the incredible Life Changes that I have brought into my life over the last number of years, which have resulted in my husband and I having two beautiful healthy children through IVF treatments and to having recently conceived naturally a third little miracle which we will be welcoming into our family very soon!
A complete Life Style overhaul consisting of deep and restoring Mindfulness, Self Compassion, Self-Care, Meditation, Essential Oils, Yoga, Walking, Journaling and so much more has enabled me to accept my fertility challenges, to meet them head on, to change my mental thinking and associated physical symptoms around these fertility challenges, to regain respect, love and compassion for my body and to build a new confidence with the internal strength within my mind and body.
I have devised this brand new Mindfulness and Self Compassion for Fertility Challenges Online Programme, which is yours for life upon purchase. In this programme, I give a general Mindfulness and Self Compassion teaching and also a specific, more focused and detailed Mindfulness and Self Compassion teaching specifically for you and/or your partner on your fertility journey. (Click on the Curriculum Tab above for a detailed look at what my programme consists of).
I will teach you and/or your partner how to look at, assess and improve every element of your current life style in order to help you both to become the best version of yourselves individually and as a couple. This will include looking at:
Once you click on the ‘Enroll’ or ‘Buy Now’ button on this course, you have committed to changing your life and/or your partners life in the most positive way. You will receive an email with the link to log into the online programme, using the credentials that you used when setting up your account. You can then get started with the programme straight away and can complete each lesson and module in your time, at your own pace.
It is important that you and/or your partner bring an open mind to this programme. One of the Essential Attitudes to Mindfulness is ‘Beginners Mind’ and this is a critical element on your fertility journey. Beginners mind means that we don’t focus on past trauma’s, hurts, pains etc We look at how you are feeling in the very moment we are experiencing, in the present moment.
It is important that you and/or your partner are willing to be kind, caring and compassionate to yourselves and each other as you embrace on this journey of healing, repair and restoration. In my personal experience with fertility challenges, the pressure and strain that infertility can put on a relationship is huge. My husband and I went through very difficult and turbulent times as a couple and it wasn’t until we adopted and implemented a Mindful attitude and approach to our individual and collective lives, that our relationship could start to heal and repair. It is therefore important that both individuals are nurtured, cared for and listened to by each other.
I can personally guarantee you that if you fully embrace the content and teachings from my programme that you will have all the tools and techniques that you need to create a more BALANCED, STABLE and HEALTHY life for you and/or your partner.
You will learn to fully embrace and respect yourself, your body and each other. You will learn to be naturally more compassionate towards yourself and each other which helps to create a greater understanding of where each of you are at in your mental and emotional well-being on your fertility journey and in any present moment.
I can guarantee you that by committing to yourself and each other to implement this amazing way of living into your everyday lives, that you will feel the most balanced, calm, energised and so connected to yourself than you may have ever felt. You will be able to realise that your THOUGHTS, FEELINGS and EMOTIONS are ok and are all a part of you and your experience but the key is that you will have learned different coping tools and techniques to deal with these elements and to help you and/or your partner to become the very best version of yourselves!!!
From my own personal journey with fertility challenges, I know and have experienced the pain and suffering that is often associated with the journey.
In my programme, I will guide you and/or your partner through the Mindfulness, Self Compassion and Meditation tools and techniques that I introduced into my life and that I use every single day in my own life. These elements can be introduced or tailored by you and/or your partner to suit your own individual needs.
By the end of this programme and having implemented this Mindful way of living into your individual and collective lives, you and/or your partner will be feeling the most balanced and at ease than may have felt for some time! You will feel more in control of your thoughts, feelings and emotions and will be confident that you have a set of Mindfulness and Self Care tools in your toolbox to cope with whatever you are faced with in your daily life.
As with my own personal situation, it was only when I created and was living this relaxed, less stressful, Mindful way every day that I restored balance and inner and outer health into my life. It was at this time when I conceived our natural pregnancy and am currently fully embracing every moment of this blessing. For me, it seemed that only when I got my mind, body and soul into the best possible shape it’s ever been in that I was ready for the miracle of conception and pregnancy to occur itself, despite all the medical findings and diagnosis!!!
Meet Leona and find out more about her personal journey with Fertility Challenges over 13 years. Here Leona will describe to you how she has designed, composed and structured this brand new Mindfulness and Self Compassion for Fertility Challenges Programme. Here, she will share with you the incredible 'life changes' that she introduced into her life through Mindfulness and Self Compassion to aid and support her on her fertility journey.
In this module you will receive a general teaching on Mindfulness and also a more focused teaching on how Mindfulness can help you in your daily life while living with explained or unexplained Fertility Challenges. This module also includes some supportive video teachings from external sources and some relaxing meditations, which you can listen to as often as you wish. I have also included one of my published articles called 'EVERYTHING we need is already WITHIN us', which is a lovely read about our own internal strength and resources, even though we mightn't think we have this strength and courage within us sometimes.
In this module we will look at the concept of 'The Monkey Mind' in Mindfulness. We will learn how to calm and tame the busy Monkey Mind. We will also learn about how 'Labelling our Thoughts' can help us to stop Invasive and Ruminating Thoughts from constantly playing around and around in our minds. Again, I have included some lovely meditations for you to listen to whenever you like. I have also included one of my published articles 'Our Breath as our Anchor' which describes how we can use our breath to anchor and connect ourselves to our present moment experience in a calm and comfortable manner.
In this module, you will learn more about how Mindfulness can help you to 'Train your Brain' to become more mindful, calm and balanced in your everyday living. You will learn how Mindfulness can help to the reduce stress, fear and anxiety that often comes with experiencing Fertility Challenges. You will also learn how to build your resilence to cope with what you are faced with on your fertility journey. I have included some lovely meditations to listen to as often as you wish and one of my published articles, 'The Gardener of our Minds' as supportive reading.
In this module, you will learn about the importance of Self Compassion for yourself, your partner and your relationships during your Fertility Challenges. I have included some supportive video's from Kristen Neff on Self Compassion. I have also included some lovely meditations for your to listen to whenever you wish and one of my published articles, 'Spread your wings of Kindness, Compassion and Mindfulness for you to enjoy!
In this module, I have shared with you all the small but incredible 'Lifestyle Choices' I have introduced or changed in my own life through Mindfulness, Self Compassion and Wellness in general. You will learn how making small, incremental but consistent changes to your overall life can transform your mental, emotional and physical well-being in incredible ways. I have included some external supportive videos and audio's for you to enjoy and also one of my published articles, 'The Inner Child or The Little Me' as supportive reading.
In this module, you will learn how Gratitude, Mindfulness and Self Compassion can help you to become your own very best friend. You will learn how to respect, nurture and comfort yourself on your fertility journey and how to recognise and become more grateful for your amazing body and everything you have in your life. There are lovely meditations included for you to enjoy and I have also included one of my published articles, 'Filling your Cup of Sunshine' as supportive reading.
In this section, I have included some short closing comments and congratulations on completing my Mindfulness and Self Compassion for Fertility Challenges Programme. I thank you for investing in your own mental, emotional and physical health and well-being to aid and support yourself on your fertility journey. I have also included some general Mindfulness Reflective Questions for you to think about and an empowering supportive video on the Law of Attraction.
Hi, I’m Leona McDonnell and I am a Mindfulness Teacher. I empower the children, teenagers and adults that I work with through Mindfulness, Meditation and Wellness with the belief that they already have all of the resources they need inside themselves to be the best version of themselves possible …. they just need to learn how to connect to and utilise these internal resources.
I teach those I work with how to experience calm, peace and serenity in their everyday lives and I teach people how to reduce the everyday chatter in their minds.
Having always being a very nervous and anxious child and teenager, from being afraid of my own breath, my own heartbeat, my own shadow, from undergoing numerous emergency medical surgeries with complicated recoveries, ICU admission, from anxiety, trauma and post natal depression to getting glandular fever in my mid 30’s, with 2 young children at home, working outside the home and also running my own Healing Practice, I hit breaking point in my own life some years back. I was stuck in a state of ‘Flight’, in a state of continuous panic. I had a broken mind, a broken body and a depleted soul. I didn’t know what to do, where to go, how to fix things. It was the toughest time and recovery of my life….
I then stumbled upon a local Yoga class and I decided to join it to see if I could create some calmness into my invasive mind and thoughts. I can remember not being able to even change my own natural breathing rhythm for the first few weeks, as I was in such a panicked state. As time went on, I grew to love Yoga as it made me reconnect with my body and my breath. It made me learn to trust my breath again.
I then went on and sought out Mindfulness tools and techniques that I could introduce into my daily life. I slowly learned how to become more present in my life. I learned how to stop ruminating in my past and how to stop worrying about my future and just be present and accept the only moment I could change, which is the present moment, the most important moment. I learned how to ‘Train my Brain’ using Mindfulness tools and techniques. Coupled with Gratitude Journaling, Meditation and with a lot of time spent outdoors in nature, I began to feel much better. I began to feel much more centered in myself, more grounded, calmer and more present.
After a number of years of my own daily Mindfulness, Meditation and Yoga practice, I felt amazing and had a zest for life! At this point, I decided that I needed to share with and help as many children and adults as I could with what helped me to transform my life! So I went on and did my Mindfulness training and here I am today!
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