Meet Leona and find out more about her personal journey with Fertility Challenges over 13 years. Here Leona will describe to you how she has designed, composed and structured this brand new Mindfulness and Self Compassion for Fertility Challenges Programme. Here, she will share with you the incredible 'life changes' that she introduced into her life through Mindfulness and Self Compassion to aid and support her on her fertility journey.
In this module you will receive a general teaching on Mindfulness and also a more focused teaching on how Mindfulness can help you in your daily life while living with explained or unexplained Fertility Challenges. This module also includes some supportive video teachings from external sources and some relaxing meditations, which you can listen to as often as you wish. I have also included one of my published articles called 'EVERYTHING we need is already WITHIN us', which is a lovely read about our own internal strength and resources, even though we mightn't think we have this strength and courage within us sometimes.
In this module we will look at the concept of 'The Monkey Mind' in Mindfulness. We will learn how to calm and tame the busy Monkey Mind. We will also learn about how 'Labelling our Thoughts' can help us to stop Invasive and Ruminating Thoughts from constantly playing around and around in our minds. Again, I have included some lovely meditations for you to listen to whenever you like. I have also included one of my published articles 'Our Breath as our Anchor' which describes how we can use our breath to anchor and connect ourselves to our present moment experience in a calm and comfortable manner.
In this module, you will learn more about how Mindfulness can help you to 'Train your Brain' to become more mindful, calm and balanced in your everyday living. You will learn how Mindfulness can help to the reduce stress, fear and anxiety that often comes with experiencing Fertility Challenges. You will also learn how to build your resilence to cope with what you are faced with on your fertility journey. I have included some lovely meditations to listen to as often as you wish and one of my published articles, 'The Gardener of our Minds' as supportive reading.
In this module, you will learn about the importance of Self Compassion for yourself, your partner and your relationships during your Fertility Challenges. I have included some supportive video's from Kristen Neff on Self Compassion. I have also included some lovely meditations for your to listen to whenever you wish and one of my published articles, 'Spread your wings of Kindness, Compassion and Mindfulness for you to enjoy!
In this module, I have shared with you all the small but incredible 'Lifestyle Choices' I have introduced or changed in my own life through Mindfulness, Self Compassion and Wellness in general. You will learn how making small, incremental but consistent changes to your overall life can transform your mental, emotional and physical well-being in incredible ways. I have included some external supportive videos and audio's for you to enjoy and also one of my published articles, 'The Inner Child or The Little Me' as supportive reading.
In this module, you will learn how Gratitude, Mindfulness and Self Compassion can help you to become your own very best friend. You will learn how to respect, nurture and comfort yourself on your fertility journey and how to recognise and become more grateful for your amazing body and everything you have in your life. There are lovely meditations included for you to enjoy and I have also included one of my published articles, 'Filling your Cup of Sunshine' as supportive reading.
In this section, I have included some short closing comments and congratulations on completing my Mindfulness and Self Compassion for Fertility Challenges Programme. I thank you for investing in your own mental, emotional and physical health and well-being to aid and support yourself on your fertility journey. I have also included some general Mindfulness Reflective Questions for you to think about and an empowering supportive video on the Law of Attraction.
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